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Son of blood cancer health practitioner who’s

23-yr-old clinical pupil Faheez Shafeek from Bournville, Birmingham, is making ready to cycle three hundred miles from London to Paris to elevate finances for Cure Leukaemia in his father’s guide, Dr. Salim Shafeek. Dr Shafeek, who’s the Clinical Director of Haematology and Oncology at Worcestershire Royal Hospital, became these days identified with myeloma, a shape of blood most cancers, his father’s guide on the Centre for Clinical Haematology at Birmingham’s Queen Elizabeth Hospital, a center supported by using Cure Leukaemia. Patients and a group of workers at Worcestershire Royal have already rallied around their colleagues, raising over £12,000 from a recent walk inside the Malvern Hills, and now Dr. Shafeek’s son will make his contribution by way of taking on Cure.

Leukemia’s close-avenue trip from 12-15 September, which occurs to be Blood Cancer Awareness Month.
Faheem studies at King’s College Hospital in London, so one can get hold of investment from Cure Leukaemia for a expert studies nurse as a member of the Trials Acceleration Programme (TAP) community from January 2020. Faheem regarded destined for a scientific career from a younger age.

Son of blood cancer health practitioner who's 1

Faheem stated:

Medicine runs inside the circle of relatives, with my father and grandfather both spending most of their lives treating people living with blood cancer; however, I by no means expected that this sickness might directly have an effect on my father, and his analysis came as a outstanding shock to the own family. When I heard it felt like my life had turned upside down. Thankfully, my dad has spoken back well to treatment. After I heard about the possibility to cycle from London to Paris to Cure Leukaemia, I was simplest too satisfied to do my bit to assist. Dr. Shafeek has worked at Worcestershire Royal Hospital for 17 years and changed into the first consultant that former England footballer and Cure Leukaemia Patron Geoff Thomas saw while he was diagnosed with continual myeloid leukemia in 2003.

Geoff stated:

I might not be here nowadays if it were not for Dr. Shafeek, who fast regarded the severity of my infection and referred me to Professor Charlie Craddock CBE in Birmingham. He has helped so many sufferers through the years and I am sure every unmarried one of them would need to want him all the very great in his treatment and hopefully a complete and quick healing. I am so pleased that Faheez is signed up for London to Paris; I am positive he will be pleasant as he seems like a completely equipped bicycle owner who has age on his aspect! I am simply searching ahead to driving along with him into Paris in Blood Cancer Awareness Month.

Faheem persisted:

I have usually had an hobby in biking and I am an tremendous fan of the sport. I would say that I am a competent bike owner; however, unluckily, I don’t have the threat to ride an excessive amount of in London as my motorbike maintains getting stolen, so I am in reality excited to take part on this occasion. Dr. Shafeek, who is receiving remedy from Dr. Mark Cook and Cure Leukaemia Trustee Professor Guy Pratt at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital, is now in remission after a stem cell transplant and intends to go back to work in September.

He stated:

I am very proud that my son may be taking element on this high-quality event along with my desirable buddy Geoff Thomas and lots of others dedicated to elevating funds to fight this disease. I know that every one finances raised will cross closer to ensuring an increasing number of sufferers continue to be linked with treatments for blood cancer which can be currently not available to them. It is becoming that this occasion takes region and I will go back to work in Blood Cancer Awareness Month. I wish human beings will get in the back of Faheez and assist him in raising as many funds as viable for this tremendous charity. Faheem will start his 300-mile trip while the group units off from Greenwich Park within the morning on Thursday 12th September.

He persevered:

I am excited to take part. I am sure it will likely be very emotional riding into Paris on the 15th of September, and my dad will really be at the front of my thoughts at that special time. However, I recognize the importance of every penny raised for this charity, so I desire people will help my fundraising all the way to Paris.

About Fitnetion

I’m a health blogger by passion, and I love connecting people with information about health and wellness. I’ve been blogging for years now and I’ve learned a lot through that journey. In addition to writing, I’m also an avid reader and listener of podcasts. I believe in a healthy lifestyle and want to encourage others to reach theirs. That’s why I started my blog ,fitnetion.

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