Home / Massage / Woman Arrested For Running Prostitution Ring Out Of Massage Parlor In Montgomery County

Woman Arrested For Running Prostitution Ring Out Of Massage Parlor In Montgomery County

ROCKVILLE, Md. (WJZ) — 1st viscount Montgomery of Alamein County Police have close down a Rockville massage parlor they say changed into jogging a prostitution ring. Emily Zhang Lawrence, the owner of Rose’s Spa, is charged with human trafficking and prostitution. In months-long research, police say 18 guys admitted to procuring intercourse acts in the course of their visits to the parlor.

Lawrence faces extra than 40 years in jail.

Networking is essential in any expert field, and massage therapists need to be organized to start ‘massage networking’ nearly straight away after graduating from rubdown faculty to get leads for jobs, professional development, and new clients. Massage networking is similar to ‘widespread’ networking in that you must continually try and connect with different specialists for your field for advancement; however, particular about rubbing down remedy in that networking opportunities now not most effective help you locate jobs, however, assist you to come to be a topic remember professional, convey in greater customers to your practice, grow your knowledge about modalities, sharpen your entrepreneurial capabilities, and so forth.

Woman Arrested For Running Prostitution Ring Out Of Massage Parlor In Montgomery County 1

Networking with Massage Therapy Instructors

Massage therapists must take advantage of the opportunities presented to them by the teachers and directors in massage school. The chances are that those specialists have years of assorted enjoy in all facets of rubdown remedy, everywhere from spa management, to human assets/hiring, to working as a therapist, pores and skincare esthetician, chiropractor, or doctor. Whatever they enjoy, they can offer you a wealth of rubdown networking opportunities and knowledge approximately the industry and might come up with the precious recommendation.

Approximately taking off to your career. Even after you finish rub-down college, live in touch together with your classmates and rubdown therapy instructors, both using assembly for a month-to-month lunch or seminar. Who knows? Maybe they have an ‘in’ at a nearby practice or recognize different rub down therapists who can provide you with a piece of advice that allows you to land your first activity as a rub down therapist.

Or maybe by truly staying in contact thru LinkedIn or Facebook, or some other type of social network for rubdown networking. LinkedIn is a first-rate way for rub-down therapists to learn about opportunities inside the area and network with a limited quantity of effort – using including instructors and classmates to your network, you can supply and receive opportunities that come to your manner just with the clicking of a button.

Massage Networking with Continuing Education Courses

Massage therapists must take continuing training courses every four years, relying on where they live, to maintain licensure. You should now not take any form of lessons available to get the credit out of the manner because you might be missing out on an amazing rubdown networking possibility. For instance, say you have an interest in sports rubdown. However, there are not any sports activities massage publications to be had within your recertification cycle.

Instead of taking something you are not interested in, consider taking a direction in Thai massage or reflexology. Yes, it isn’t always a pretty sports rubdown, but those are each kind of therapeutic manipulation that would come in handy all through a sports massage occasion. And possibilities are, there could be massage therapists or teachers in those instructions who are interested in the identical varieties of modalities as you and will help you with massage networking possibilities that can help you with following your career direction further down the road.

About Fitnetion

I’m a health blogger by passion, and I love connecting people with information about health and wellness. I’ve been blogging for years now and I’ve learned a lot through that journey. In addition to writing, I’m also an avid reader and listener of podcasts. I believe in a healthy lifestyle and want to encourage others to reach theirs. That’s why I started my blog ,fitnetion.

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